Get To Know Alex

For this weeks ‘Get To Know’ post, it is Alex who we are learning a little more about! She has an amazing blog which you should definitely check out HERE and be sure to subscribe too! Her TWITTER and INSTAGRAM will be linked too.

Tell us about yourself, and an interesting fact!

I am a 19 year old girl from the Cumbria, I am a Taurus and I definitely fit the stable, passionate (stubborn) and loyal traits of a Taurus. All the bull and none of the shit I like to say. I am very passionate about working with children and giving them the best educational start in life. My professional interest is communication and language because it just fascinates me, I love seeing how children of any ability, culture or age communicates with each other verbally and non verbally. 

Why did you start blogging? And how long have you been doing it for? 

Officially I started my blog on the 9th March 2017 (which was on International Women’s day) however I just didn’t make any effort with it, I wrote down what I needed to say and expected people to read it somehow.  I started blogging properly on the 1st September 2018 so I’m just a newbie! I started because I was feeling very lonely with my friends and family going back to university and I was just going back to college at home. So I decided to write my thoughts and topics that made me tick down and share them with the internet. I’ve really taken an interest in blogging and can’t wait for all of my upcoming content to come out! 

What was your main aim when you started blogging? 

My main aim with blogging was to connect with people and to feel less lonely. I also did it to be able to get back into my writing which I was obsessed with as a child. I have so many little notebooks filled with stories I wrote as a child and missed it dearly so I decided to write it all down here for people to see. 

Where do you see your blog in 12 months time? 

I hope to see my blog in 12 months time sharing more personal and passionate content, I hope to see myself becoming an active part of this community and sharing content which I adore and other people love too. I would also love to have a few hundred followers on my blog so that I can reach a wider audience and raise awareness of topics I can’t wait to delve into.

What is your biggest life lesson you’ve  learnt in life? 

There are so many, I’m only 19 years old but I feel like I’ve really been through the ringer and learnt a few. Actually I have a whole post about 19 things I’ve learnt in 19 years (  if you want to see what lessons I’ve learnt but I will share one here with you now. Life is so short, that is what I’ve learnt. Ive lost people who I always thought I would have one more day with or one more Christmas with and felt devastated because I never did what I intended to do. So love whole heartedly and tell people how you feel, give your dog an extra stroke and your Nan am extra cuddle before you go. Make the time for the people that mean the most and be kind. That’s all I can advise. 

Are you a night owl or do you prefer the day time? Why? 

I am a real night owl, I will be up until all hours of the morning working away if I could. One thing I really hate is getting up early, it genuinely hurts sometimes to get up before 8am (I am being a bit dramatic). I love the day time just later on in the day because early morning have never been my thing. 

Where do you see your life in 10 years time? 

I hope to be still loving the job I am doing, I hope to specialise is communication and language, I hope to have children and be married and I hope to be happy and stable. 

If you could go live in a different country, where would you go and why? 

There are pros and cons to everywhere you go really, you know what I adore England and probably wouldn’t want to leave but I’ve heard living in Denmark or Norway’s meant to be pretty good so let’s go with that. 

What is your dream job and why? 

Either a SENCO (Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator) or a specialised speech and language therapist for young children, mainly because I find different forms of communication so interesting. Currently I nanny for a little boy with Autism and he uses a communication form called PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System) so I do a decent amount of work with him with that and I love it. Recently I’ve been trying to learn some BSL and Makaton to broaden my skills which I’ve been loving. 

What is your favourite season? Spring, summer, autumn or winter? And why? 

Spring all the way my friend, being a Taurus I am a spring baby and a lover of all things natural and beautiful. Spring time is a great time to get yourself to Cumbria; lambs leaping, daffodils growing and the sun starting to shine once again. Nothing beats it. 

That is my Get To Know Me with LivsLittleBlog, thank you so much for your time and I hope to see you on my blog very soon! 


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